Strong Influence is the complete guide to building custom strength performance training programs for any level. Written through a high school lens, this book takes an efficient approach to explaining various advanced topics in a way that is easy to understand and implement effectively. Coach Williams authors this book with a diverse background knowledge and years of coaching experience spanning from the youth level to, high school, college, professional, and laboratory research.
Strong Influence guides each practitioner through the program building process from start to finish in a quick yet thorough manner covering:
- Important Terminology
- Athlete/Sport Needs Analysis
- Physiological Adaptation Principles
- Training Session Duration
- Training Frequency
- Periodization & Training Structure
- Order of Exercise
- Set & Rep Scheme Types
- Exercise Selection
- Final Program Building
- Current Peer Reviewed Research Considerations
Learn how to become the Strongest Influence you can be through your programming! Purchase your copy today.
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